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Save Our Program.

In response to Sheridan’s recent news about their decision to suspend 40 programs (mine included, the Creative Writing and Publishing program), I have written this poem to express how I, and I’m sure a great number of us, feel.

If you would like to share this poem amongst our CW&P community, please, by all means, do so!! I am beyond devastated by this sudden decision to suspend our program. Indefinitely. I want more than anything to save this program, but at the end of the day, all I can do is write. Write like my life depends on it—the future of students who applied to CW&P, those who may not yet know where their passion lies. At the end of the day, all I can do is write for a better future. Write for those who placed their hope in Sheridan to allow them the creative future they envisioned. Write for those who are still discovering what it is their passion may yet be. All I can do is write.

I love this program. I love the friends I’ve made throughout this degree. I love the passion our professors have shown for writing and publishing. I love learning more about my dream to becoming a successful author. I cannot see this fantastic program come to a close. The future depends on creativity. Although this program—hell, this school may seem insignificant to those who do not know about it, the real loss here is the potential that future students would have shown.

Save our program.

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